Bell Street
Project Status

One of Waterfront Seattle's goals is to create more accessible and comfortable east-west connections for all modes along the Alaskan Way/Elliott Way corridor, including to Belltown, the downtown core and Pioneer Square. As part of the Bell Street Improvements project, we have an opportunity to expand public space and add new landscaping and other amenities.
The goal of the Bell Street Improvements project is to improve connections from Belltown to the waterfront specifically from 1st Ave to Elliott Ave. Elliott Way provides a brand-new connection between Belltown and the waterfront and ties into Bell St at Elliott and Western avenues, including new protected bike lanes and sidewalks.
The final design, based on community feedback (see below for full feedback summaries), includes a two-way protected bike lane, widened sidewalks, pedestrian amenities, and the removal of a travel lane. This design, along with existing curb bulbs at intersections, will help calm traffic flow on Bell St. Additionally, a bicycle traffic light will be added at the Bell St and Western Ave intersection
In addition to the improvements listed above, we will be incorporating the salvaged historic sign bridge that formerly stood on the Alaskan Way viaduct. It will span over Bell St, east of the Bell St and Western Ave intersection. We heard from members of the community that the sign bridge could serve as a gateway to Belltown; the sign bridge is planned to have lighting to welcome people into the neighborhood.
Bell St, between 1st Ave and Elliott Ave, will become a one-way single lane road, eastbound between Elliott and Western avenues, and westbound between Western and 1st avenues (see map in slider above). This is due to a reconfiguration of the street grid to accommodate the new Elliott Way, which is a two-way road that connects into the one-way Western Ave and one-way Elliott Ave. An important note is that there is a new signalized intersection at Western Ave and Bell St for northbound traffic coming from the new Elliott Way. There are also stop signs located at the Western Ave intersection for vehicles traveling on Bell St.
Construction began in January 2025.
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- Bell St construction flyer December 2024 [PDF, 246 KB]
- Project fact sheet, January 2024
- Belltown Community Council presentation February 8, 2023 [PDF, 26.1 MB]
- Belltown Community Council presentation March 8, 2023 [PDF, 43.7 MB]
- Belltown Community Council presentation June 14, 2023 [PDF, 6.9 MB]
- Belltown Community Council presentation November 8, 2023 [PDF, 27.2 MB]
- Design feedback summary. February 2023
- Design feedback summary, March 2023
- 10% design presentation to Seattle Design Commission, March 2023
- 60% design presentation to Seattle Design Commission, October 2023
- Video about the Bell Street Improvements project