June 2023
Setting the stamps created by artists Derek Bruno and Gage Hamilton on new curbed bike lane buffers. This artwork is part of a concept that will unify Pike and Pine streets, creating a legible path from Capitol Hill through the downtown retail core to Pike Place Market, a gateway to the waterfront.
September 2023
The stretch of sidewalk and protected bike lane in this area was completed, between S Main and S Washington streets. A missing segment was, until August 2023, a driveway access for vehicles accessing Colman Dock from the temporary remote holding area completed in the fall.
September 2023
With all the new plants along Elliott Way, we’ve been working to maintain them, so they thrive in the urban environment. We are happy to see the plants thriving in 2023.
Construction schedule
indicates partner project
Alaskan Way Viaduct removal began in early 2019.
- Work on the two-way transit corridor on Columbia Street began in August 2019.
- Plantings for Habitat Beach, the new intertidal area between Colman Dock and Pier 48, were completed in November 2019.
- Work on the new Alaskan Way began in the footprint of the demolished viaduct in November 2019.
- The two-way transit corridor on Columbia St opened in early 2020.
- The newly rebuilt Pier 62 opened in fall 2020.
- Removal of Pier 58 began in fall 2020.
- New traffic lanes on Alaskan Way between S King and Columbia streets opened in late 2020.
- Removal of Pier 58 was completed in early 2021.
- Construction of a new pedestrian bridge, stairs and an elevator on Union St, between Western Ave and Alaskan Way, began in early 2021.
- New southbound traffic and transit lanes on Alaskan Way between S King and Columbia streets opened in fall 2021.
- Began construction of the Park Promenade, a landscaped walking space along the water and piers.
- Began construction of the Marion Street Pedestrian Bridge to improve an essential pedestrian connection to Colman Dock.
- Began construction of Overlook Walk, a new elevated pedestrian connection between Pike Place Market and the waterfront.
- Began construction of Pier 58, previously known as Waterfront Park.
- Union Street Pedestrian Bridge opened in December 2022.
- Began construction of Pike Pine Streetscape and Bicycle Improvements.
- Opened a new street, Elliott Way, in April 2023, providing a new multimodal connection between the waterfront and Belltown.
- Opened the Pioneer Square Habitat Beach in July 2023.
WSDOT opened a new entry building to the Colman Dock ferry terminal along Alaskan Way and an elevated pedestrian connector in August 2023.
- Opened new Marion Street Pedestrian Bridge in November 2023.
- Construction of Pioneer Square East West Pedestrian Improvements began in January 2024 and was completed in December 2024.
- Opened Overlook Walk pedestrian bridge and elevated park in October 2024.
- Construction of Bell Street Improvements began in January 2025.
- Park Promenade and protected bike path are expected to be complete in Spring 2025.
- The public restroom is expected to open in Spring 2025.
- Completion of the Pike Pine Streetscape and Bicycle Improvements is planned in Spring 2025.
- Completion of Pier 58, Bell St improvements is expected to be completed in Summer 2025.
- The full Waterfront Seattle Program is expected to be complete in Summer 2025!
Getting around
Metro Trip Planner
Plan your transit route to and from the waterfront.
Seattle Traffic
How you get around is changing – learn more about navigating during the Seattle Squeeze.
SDOT Bike Web Map
This map is intended to aid people biking in the City of Seattle by showing the locations of our various bicycle facilities and related amenities. You can also view our current bike access map, which shows how we are maintaining bike access along the waterfront during our construction, while we continue to build new bike facilities.
Downtown Seattle Parking
Find rates, hours and directions to thousands of parking spaces in Seattle's Pioneer Square and central waterfront neighborhoods.
Downtown Seattle Accessibility
View maps and other resources to plan accessible trips through downtown Seattle's hills, including locations of elevators and bus routes.