Construction of Seattle’s new waterfront is underway and will continue into 2025. Click on the map below to find more information about construction happening now.

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Construction schedule

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Getting around

bus icon

Metro Trip Planner

Plan your transit route to and from the waterfront.

traffic light icon

Seattle Traffic

How you get around is changing – learn more about navigating during the Seattle Squeeze.

biking icon

SDOT Bike Web Map

This map is intended to aid people biking in the City of Seattle by showing the locations of our various bicycle facilities and related amenities. You can also view our current bike access map, which shows how we are maintaining bike access along the waterfront during our construction, while we continue to build new bike facilities.

Parking icon

Downtown Seattle Parking

Find rates, hours and directions to thousands of parking spaces in Seattle's Pioneer Square and central waterfront neighborhoods.

accessibility icon

Downtown Seattle Accessibility

View maps and other resources to plan accessible trips through downtown Seattle's hills, including locations of elevators and bus routes.

(206) 499-8040