(206) 499-8040


Between Columbia and Pike streets:

  • Daytime work, 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday; follow posted signs and signals for safe access through construction zones.
  • Urban Forestry will be removing damaged trees on Alaskan Way between S King and Madison streets as early as Tuesday, March 18. Lane closures may be in place on northbound Alaskan Way. There will be no impact to pedestrian or bicycle traffic. All removed trees will be replaced this spring.
  • Park Promenade narrowed near the railing segments between S Washington and University streets; pedestrian access maintained.
  • Intermittent southbound lane closures on Alaskan Way between Madison and Union streets, 9 AM to 3 PM, Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Extended work hours continue at Pier 58, 6:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
  • Northbound Alaskan Way reduced to one lane between Union and Pike streets during work hours, starting as early as Monday, March 24. Work is expected to take one week.

Other Area Projects:

  • Tree removal along Alaskan and Elliott ways: Urban Forestry will be removing 15 damaged trees and six stumps along Alaskan and Elliott ways between S King and Lenora streets. Work will begin as early as Tuesday, March 18. Work hours are 8 AM to 3:30 PM. The removed trees will be replaced this spring. Please contact Urban Forestry at or 206-684-TREE (8733) with questions.

Construction Photos


Alaskan Way Construction

The work zone on Alaskan Way has expanded to Pike Street. Similar to construction underway between S King and Marion streets, intersecting east/west streets will remain open and pedestrian access will be maintained. Businesses with mid-block vehicle driveways will be provided a route adjacent to the work zone. Activities include mobilizing equipment, locating utilities, surveying, delivering materials, breaking pavement for excavation and utility installation and striping and paving. 

Pier 58

Construction of Pier 58 started in September 2022. The new pier will provide a space for people to gather, including a tree grove and elevated lawn, and a new playground.

Union St Pedestrian Bridge and Elevator

The project has been completed as of December 9, 2022! View our completion flyer to learn more.

Marion Street Bridge

The Marion Street Pedestrian Bridge opened in November 2023. Bridge access is fully open while we complete final touches early this year.