Horse-drawn Carriage Rides

December 22, 2018
1 - 5 pm

Occidental Square

Make your way through Occidental Square in style with free horse-drawn carriage rides from Gala Carriage Co.’s Jane and Annie all afternoon! We’ll also have free crafting activities, letters to Santa, live music and hot cocoa.

Carriage rides are first come, first serve.

Learn more about the horses Jane and Annie:

Sisters Jane and Annie have been together their whole lives. Together with the owners of Gala Carriage Co. they live on a 10-acre piece of land in Lake Stevens, WA. There, they have access to their barn at all times, and get to snack on alfalfa hay, carrots, apples and watermelon rind.

Like any siblings, they squabble. Annie is slower than Jane, so when Jane walks too fast Annie will reach over and nip at her to tell her to slow down.

The carriage itself can be pulled by one human, so it’s extremely light for Jane and Annie!

This event is free and open to the public. Visit this link for more information.